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High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set
High Visibility Safety Set

High Visibility Safety Set

Regular price $69.99
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Crafty Ponies high visibility (hi viz) set will help children to see the importance of being visible when out riding!  The set features quality reflective strips on fluorescent fabric.  The strips shine brightly when light is shone onto them just like real hi viz clothing. 

Children can have lots of fun finding their ponies and riders in the dark!

A Crafty Pony High Visibility set features items for the pony including a browband, leg wraps, exercise sheet, and tail guard so he is visible from all angles.  The rider doll has a reflective hat band and vest. 

Children can learn how to put on and take off the items and when and where to use them to keep them safe!

Pony, rider, and tack sold separately.

Suitable for children over 3 years.

Includes 8 page illustrated instruction booklet provided in English and French.